Sekolah Rakyat Indonesia: Misi Kami

Sejak tahun 2001, kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan pendidikan gratis bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu, menjadi pelopor dalam menciptakan kesempatan belajar yang setara.

A classroom filled with young students wearing uniforms in shades of green and blue. The walls are adorned with chalkboards and posters, and natural light filters through a window. The students are seated at wooden desks, some are smiling while others look attentive.
A classroom filled with young students wearing uniforms in shades of green and blue. The walls are adorned with chalkboards and posters, and natural light filters through a window. The students are seated at wooden desks, some are smiling while others look attentive.



Berkualitas dan Gratis

Untuk Semua

Sekolah Gratis

Kami berkomitmen untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tanpa memungut biaya.

Two young boys in school uniforms are seated at a desk. They are focused on their studies, with books and a pencil case on the desk. A black backpack is placed nearby. The classroom setting includes a wooden bench, blue doors, and some educational posters on the wall.
Two young boys in school uniforms are seated at a desk. They are focused on their studies, with books and a pencil case on the desk. A black backpack is placed nearby. The classroom setting includes a wooden bench, blue doors, and some educational posters on the wall.
Pelopor Pendidikan

Sejak tahun 2001, kami memberikan akses pendidikan berkualitas secara gratis kepada mereka yang membutuhkan, membantu mewujudkan impian di bidang pendidikan.

An open magazine lies on a rumpled bed with bright sunlight casting shadows across its pages. The visible page headline reads 'Study in the United States' alongside an image of the Statue of Liberty. Additional text is printed on the right-hand side with a visually dark and dramatic light contrast.
An open magazine lies on a rumpled bed with bright sunlight casting shadows across its pages. The visible page headline reads 'Study in the United States' alongside an image of the Statue of Liberty. Additional text is printed on the right-hand side with a visually dark and dramatic light contrast.
Akses Pendidikan

Proyek-proyek kami berfokus pada penyediaan sekolah tanpa biaya, menjangkau masyarakat kurang mampu dan berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia.


Sekolah Rakyat Indonesia berlokasi di tempat strategis untuk memberikan akses pendidikan gratis bagi masyarakat tidak mampu sejak tahun 2001.


Jl. Panda VI A Blok C5 Nomor 7 RT.001/007 Jayamukti, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kab. Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17530


Senin - Jumat